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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Info Post

-Mission at Diaz's mansion (Point D)The Fastest Boat:-First, you go to the harbor area Viceport, lowering all guards. Then go down into the house hold name Tuavit 3 and hammer. Go Pink maker to lower the boat down. Will run some more names, please note them down. Finally, the boat directly toward defined, do not mind the 3 stars, they will disappear after quest. That's it.Bonus: $ 4000Supply & Demands:-You have to be where the transaction before your opponent to "purchase" for Diaz. This is an easy thing to get going by boat you just have to avoid bullets, so go have studied too (recommend choosing the left). Upon arrival, your job is to replace Lance shot back opponents on the way back. You must also pay attention to the durability of the ship ahead.-Note: After this screen, you will lose export Kruger. Want to keep it, you will have to "return" the golf club.Bonus: $ 10,000

Duties in the yacht-Colonel - Part 2 (point C)Sir, Yes Sir!:-You got a call after completing 86 NV Phnom Penh. Tommy in the mission of this screen are trying to steal it brought Colonel Gara of Panzer tanks. To get it, you must first use sniper rifles stand guard lowered the car. After solving all the soldiers escort, please put this in the garage Tank as fast as possible.-Tip: This is the only time you get the tank controls "legal", why not keep it for yourself?: If you have purchased Hyman Condo, you can drive straight up to the car and parked it in the first garage. Keep the garage door open to self-destruct when the tank (and Mission Failed) closed + save. You've got a tank "clean" to do tasks that CS andBonus: $ 2000All Hands On Deck!:-This is your final mission here. Cortez needs to get rid of Vice City, and sailing is the only way. You will defend Cortez's yacht in this task. The first phase, your task is to shoot all those who followed. As the yacht approached the bridge, came up before, using M60 export (import 100's screen you have in Phnom Penh '98) shot a few boat explosion off the front, but you must take care not to use up ammunition available, because you also need to lower 3 chiiec helicopter to fly about. 3 And when the fall off the helicopter is your duty as an end.-Tip: One way to get more ammo for M60 border, which is that you shoot all its ammo before taking office. Going to the airport area and left arms out, when you go to add a magazine for M60 (100/100). It can apply to any other weaponsBonus: $ 5000The task at Club Malibu (point K)Death Row:You get this mission after mission for Kent Paul Cortez. Come in Junky Yard rescue Lance before he died of torture. Therefore, you have to study before the run and to select a high-speed car. After you save Lance, you have to take him to the hospital (location is indicated on the map). But be careful, because you still have to deal with Diaz's men again?* Note: The bulletproof Admiral will help youBonus: $ 0Tommy Vercetti missionRub Out:-In this screen, you will join Lance broke into Diaz's mansion and killed him to avenge his brother Lance. To complete the task, you just need to stick to the lower end Lance and border guards with M4A1 is finished. The only difficulty is that you have to support running and Lance, if you let him die, you will lose soon.-From here, Diaz's mansion belongs to Tommy (point D converted to V). During the dishes here are some "toys" to help you a lot, try to find out okay.Bonus: $ 50,000Shakesdown:It is time-controlled Vice City, and Tommy shippers need to know who they are "new gatekeepers" of them after the death of Diaz. You have 5 minutes to complete the "destructive" Supermarket North Point Mail. So, for 1 vehicle speed to get to the point quickly. Next, you just need to blow off the glass shop (to be designated on the map) is completed.Bonus: $ 2000* You will be entitled to purchase any asset after this mission *Bar Brawl:-First, take the first 4-seat car carrying two people to the location on your map, lowered 2 DBP name. Go to the Pink maker to meet your partner. Next, you will have 5 minutes to lower DBP rest of us. Come back alley on the map, some optical store ammunition in the car seat. When we were dead in the DBP, 2 more names to release the car. Chasing down notes and they are done.* Note: There will be an armored men blocking your DBP, lower it and spend $ 1,000 reward if you have the ability to *Bonus: $ 4000Cop Land:-This is one of the most difficult tasks. You will go with Lance in costume CS Mail to North Point Cafe to place bomb, then quickly returned to Tommy's mansion, the state ... wanted level 5!

-To pass this screen, you should have one privacy CS 2 car seat (can be earned in the position in the picture above). Take Lance to Gara position, then you go get wanted level. Example 2 CS in Gara name and you'll get their costumes. Next, put Lance Mail to North Point and placed bomb. After the bomb blast, let's get out of here quickly and drove to the nearest Pay'n'Spray. When CS and tails, you can leisurely back to the villa.

-At this point in the mission ending Tommy's mansion, and you will receive $ 1 $, its value will increase from 1 to 5000 USD.
Bonus: $ 10,000...

Source Gamesfreetop