It is an official recognition that gives all players amigosparadragoncity.com Dragon City, who have demonstrated extraordinary knowledge of Dragon City , are you considered by us as players know more about the game, dragons have very difficult to have and thanks to its comments and contributions to help other players in the game.
This recognition we give to staff amigosparadragoncity.com title , you can not buy , or ask , are the Staff of amigosparadragoncity , by vote who decide who to give this title or degree.
This distinction has validity only in amigosparadragoncity.com and all pages linked to it , as the pages of Facebook, Google+ , Twitter and Youtube amigosparadragoncity.com .
Dragon Master privileges are:
1.- Receive anytime and as often as they stand on the game by any of the above channels.
2. -Son Untouchables (can not be banned or blocked and your comments will always be respected and visible in any of our pages) provided you do not publish gems hacks .
3.- Can you unlock or ask desbanee any user who has violated the rules and has been banned from any of our pages ( only once per user is asked to lift this sanction)
4.- Can be one of our neighbors in Dragon City
5.- are the first to be given the prizes we offer ( At the moment the Cube Dragon City)
prizes just for them dragons, gems, gold and food.
Currently the following players have been named by us as Dragon Master
1. -Hugo Cesar Buitron