Breaking News
Monday, December 2, 2013

Info Post
Apply for Level 50 players , depending on each person Lv , Lv lower the amount of Gold / Food lower requirements .

Unlike previous Event , Event inexpensive this period , but most extreme accounts Send / Accept Gift . Total Event just 6.4208 million and 545 200 Food Gold . That is, you just plowed and planted about 66 million Gold Food category 5 million , 2 days after the same amount of food to complete the Event .

With 15 Legendary Dragon LV10 and Boost you can get :
15 Legendary Dragon = 302 * 15 = 4,530 Gold / Minute
860 % Boost = 302 * 8.6 = 2,597 Gold / Minute
= > (4,530 +2,597) * 60 * 24 = 10,262,880 Gold / Day

Also you still 38-15-2 = 21 Gold Habitat for harvest .

2 Pure Breed Should any child to be 2 days ( if the Pure Element ) , take the soup off time , there is not any advantage to both Breed Legend chicks usually just make for Helmet Special , or chicks Breed Light System / War you have not already. Every minute is 1 Helmet Breed = > 2 days = 2,880 Helmet. Here only use 1 bag a hybrid , if you use 2 breeders can complete the double quick .

* Even though you have not completed round 1 , Breeding will not appear on the helmet , but it still is cumulative for all screens , so you do not need to rush through the curtain doing.

* Hammer and Horn are still needed for the following screen , so it should not stop the Send Gift to grab Hammer and watches .

* When you Send Gift to receive Horn , you should just let each person choose Send Send All. So if Send All were usually Lag and even if your friends are not Accept .

* In Round 2 , 3 , 4 , wanted to finish without losing Gem , they must fight a dragon , the dragon in all of this period are the Event system is War , so there are no Critical Skill can be , using any dragon hit each other and only needs to be hit before the win , after the loss . And it should be noted avoid the opponents have been critical systems .

* System evaluation system War War is not Weak ( do not know how the system or is it the event it 's because of the dragon , so not literally never met Combat League ) , add the Damage of War Skill Skill stronger than the other systems , for so if war should be used to fight , and should not have used Legend Trained Skill .

Round 1 : Vikings - 52 Gem

Gold : 1,605,200 * 4 = 6,420,800
Hammer : 1 * 3 = 3 (How to 12 hours to receive 1 times )
Horn : 4 * 3 = 12 ( Send gifts to your friends and expect them to Accept )

Reward: Viking Habitat ( Flame system , 3 dragons , Gold reserves 80,000 )

- You will lose at least one and a half days to collect enough 3 Hammer . Up to 2 days later even, can pass this round .

Round 2 : Thor - 85 Gem

Food : 18,800 * 4 = 75,200
Horn : 14 * 3 = 42 ( Send gifts to your friends and expect them to Accept )
Helmet : 1.600 * 3 = 4.800 ( Lai dragon , every minute or 1 Helmet )
Battle : Thor Dragon ( War / Flame ) + Buff 25 % HP / Power

Reward: Thor Dragon

- In four days you will gain 5,760 Helmet by Breeding . If it includes Round 1 , only took 4 days as you pass the second qualifying round .
- If using Gem Pass is not required to play with Thor Dragon , but if used item will have to fight , Thor Buff Dragon will be 25 % HP / Power Index is based on your child choose to play (including the stars ) . Avoid using the system is there for Thor Sea and Ice Flame Skill .
- Despite hitting just lost it and wait for a time to fight back , and do not need to be highly cost Gem immediately , because so much time on this event .

Round 3 : Loki - 111 Gem

Food : 42,300 * 4 = 169,200
Hammer : 3 * 3 = 9 (How to 12 hours to receive 1 times )
Horn : 30 * 3 = 90 ( Send gifts to your friends and expect them to Accept )
Battle : Loki Dragon ( War / Flame / Dark ) + Buff 25 % HP / Power

Reward: Loki Dragon

- It took 6 days ( from the date of start Event ) to collect enough through 3 rounds 12 Hammer , ie theoretically just over 6 days is enough for 3 , which is difficult to collect enough Horn .
- Similar to Dragon battle with Thor , avoiding the dragon 's system Sea , Ice , Metal , .

Round 4 : Odin - 111 Gem

Food : 75,200 * 4 = 300,800
Horn : 54 * 3 = 162 ( Send gifts to your friends and expect them to Accept )
Helmet : 6400 * 3 = 19200 ( Lai dragon , every minute or 1 Helmet )
Battle : Odin Dragon ( War / Flame / Light ) + Buff ? % HP / Power

Reward: Odin Dragon

- It takes about 14 days to collect enough Helmet required to pass this round .
- Similar to Dragon battle with Thor , avoiding the dragon 's Sea system , Electric , Ice , Dark .